UE4 Mine project

This project started climbing a mountain in Tenerife in 2015. I spent days going to different places to take photos of interesting rock formations to scan. More details of the process here.

Then I built this scene in UE4. I made a lot of other 3d assets, shaders and blueprints for the vr gameplay.

Baking simulations

I was curious to take a look at Houdini and have tested it by making an impact between asteroids. I then added fx and lighting to finish building the impact.



I was in charge of visual effects for the game Endling. Rain, water splashes, fire, smoke, shorelines and contour waves, swimming trails, digging…

Advanced water rendering

In 2017 I was asked to make a dirt water shader. I put together all the ideas that came to my mind in order to make it realistic. The list of features are:

  1. – Underwater pixels blurred according to depth
  2. – Moss creating volumetric shadows
  3. – Surface lighting using Subsurface scattering
  4. – Optical dispersion (aka chromatic aberration) depending on depth
  5. – Underwater volumetric shadows (used Fog Volume 3 for that)
  6. – Consistency of every effect at variable resolutions, distances and FOV values.
  7. – Surface normals animation using the flow map technique
  8. – Moss patches with variable height. Some percentage of them are on the surface and the other under surface


In January 22 I joined Estudio Future as VFX and material artist. I’m in charge of every effect in the game Rivals as well as “weird” shaders and scene polishing.

Italian Village

Never-ending project that I started in 2019. Working on it in spare time when motivation and inspiration comes 🙂

Early Earth

Sometime ago, while watching the BBC documentary ‘The Universe’, I came across a scene that left a strong impression on me. It is a recreation of the earth during the formation stage 4.5 billion years ago.

After seeing this scene, I felt a strong urge to do something similar on my own and here is the result.


Subsurface Scattering for Unity

I developed a SSS plugin that is available on the asset store

Blurred transparency (new in 1.7 February 2021)

Eyes (new in 1.6 May 2020):


Marble Chess

Marble floor:



Unite 2016: GPU instancing demo

Unity asked me to do a scene to show GPU instancing running on Metal API. I built this scene from scratch, all the models, textures and shaders. The Unity guys did the instancing part of the asteroids.

Captures from my local project:



Apple WWDC 2016

Worked for Unity providing all content and the base scripting layout for Apple’s WWDC16 tessellation demo


Local screen capture

UE4 Beach scene

Demo scene built in UE4 using some of the content I have done for some clients.

Water Drops aka Lens Wetness

I remember when I created this effect in UDK for ‘The Waterfall’. I also remember the problems I had back then. But thanks to Unity and its flexibility, I have had the chance to remake it correctly. I can now defocus the effect properly, it also deals with other transparent FX and DoF. I was pretty happy with the result and found it interesting, so I have released it at the asset store.

Documentation | Web player demo | Forum

Asset Store

Cloth Shader for Unity

Cloth shading is a topic I have revisited over time. In January 2015 I have decided to release it to the Unity community as a Shader Forge graph at the asset store. I would be happy to see it used in your games. As you may see in the screens and video, you will be able to emulate key lighting behaviours of a wide range of fabric surfaces, from rough fabric such as towel or carpet, to silk or velvet.


Unite 2014

In 2014 I made two demos for Unity Technologies, both shown at Unite 2014. First one was a car rendering project, for which I have developed a layered shader to model car paint features. It consists of a metallic base, lacquer layer and one more layer on top for dirtiness.

I made this environment and material switcher app to test the shader under many different lighting situations.

Then I was asked to polish my skin rendering system for ADN. This project was also supported by Unity. I spent one month working on it at home. Once it was ready to rock, I went to Paris to meet ADN guys and get the demo done. It was an unforgettable and pleasant experience.




After some years using Lee’s scan, I had the feeling that it was time to switch to another model. It wasn’t easy to find a good one so I decided to start zBrush and see what happened. I’d never tried to model a face before so it was a long process. And finally, Dave was born.